How to choose a submersible electric pump for industry

The industrial submersible electric pump is a very useful system for a variety of industrial sectors. This hydraulic mechanism offers many possibilities of use when it is necessary to move large quantities of water. Just think of the essential contribution of these pumps in the construction industry and during the design of an industrial plant. In both cases, the movement and withdrawal of water is indispensable.

In addition, its electrical operation is useful for counteracting gravity and thus enabling faster movement of liquids from point A to point B, even if there are differences in level with a more or less steep slope. But how do we choose an industrial submersible electric pump? First of all, we need to be clear about the existing types and understand the requirements the pump has to respond to. This article describes the most important things to know.


Electric pump for industrial applications

There are many different industrial applications that require the presence if a submersible electric pump. From agriculture for irrigating fields, to designing a septic tank, to pumping sewage. Before choosing a submersible electric pump, there are three fundamental aspects to consider in order to find the solution that is right for you.

  1. Type of use. The first thing to do is to have a clear idea of the performance features and type of use required of the hydraulic system.
  2. Type of liquid. You need to pay particular attention to the liquid that has to be moved through the pump, which is not always water, especially in industrial settings.
  3. Quantity of water. You need to assess how much water you actually need to move and opt for models that can satisfy your needs.

In addition, it is important to define what the essential characteristics of a submersible pump are, namely:

  • Maximum immersion depth
  • Automatic or manual operation
  • Safety system in the event of water shortage
  • Diameter of the outlet necessary to pump the liquid at the performance level required by the system
  • Weight of the product
  • Dimensions of the electric pump
  • Length of the power cable and related thickness, as well as the IP degree of protection.
  • Resistance to the level of water acidity and construction material
  • Operating voltage
  • Size of the solid waste that it can break down
  • Maximum temperature of the liquid
  • Solar adaptability


Purchasing an electric pump for industrial use

Moving large quantities of liquids from one point to another is a need in various industrial sectors, and the solution is a submersible electric pump. Precisely for this reason, there are a number of different models of industrial submersible electric pumps, the choice of which is mainly dictated by the type of application it will be used for.

Among the essential requirements for making the best choice, in addition to those already specified, you need to consider:

  • the power that determines the quantity (Q) to be pumped within a given time
  • the flow rate (litres per minute or cubic metres per hour)
  • the column height (H) to which the liquid can be conveyed
  • the head (metres).

So purchasing an electric pump for industrial use is anything but simple. The first step to take in order to make the right choice is to rely on experts like those you can find at Pompe Zanni.